Rules and currently available commands

- Try to guess game title when bot shows you frame. The faster you guess, the bigger reward (except easy difficulty).
- The longer the title, the more points you get.
- There are 4 hints available.
- You can skip current screenshot after 45 seconds or by voting for skip.
- There are no challenge questions yet.
- Normal difficulty is only available.
Show help, rules and other info
Show current frame on current channel
- Use this command to check current frame if needed.
- Can be used to start quiz.
Show clue
- All clues are partially hidden titles.
- There are 4 clues available: immediately, after 10, 25 and 45 seconds after frame sending.
Try to guess title
- Case and special characters sensitivity depends on difficulty.
/try Twin Peaks
/try Blade Runner 2049
/try terminator 2 judgment day
Skip current frame / vote for skip
- Vote for skip if 45 seconds after new frame have not passed yet.
- Skip if 45 seconds after new frame have passed.
- Two wotes are needed to skip current frame.
- Discord server admins can skip any time.
Show channel difficulty and its description / set channel difficulty
- 5 difficulty levels available: easy, casual, normal, hard and nightmare.
- Can be set individually for each channel.
/difficulty easy
/difficulty hard
Check server and global information.